Make all payments payable to: "Kallatch Home Services LLC"
We accept the following forms of payment:
> Personal or Business Check * **
> On-Line Bill Payment Check.*
> Cashier Check **
* Checks have a 10 business day waiting
period to clear and may cause a work delay.
** "NBT Bank" check and verified Cashier checks do not have a waiting period.
CREDIT or DEBIT CARD - we will email you a "PayPal Invoice",
through which you can use your Credit or Debit Card,
even if you don't have a PayPal account.
There will be an additional 3% PayPal fee added to your "PayPal Invoice."
PAYPAL - pay with your PayPal account with no added fees: PayPal Payment click here.
OR Use PayPal Account Email:
Our account will have our KHS logo.
VENMO - Use your Venmo account to search for: David Kallatch, our account will have our KHS logo.
OR we can send you a Venmo payment request.
CONTACT US for further information.