Kallatch Home Services is a custom construction, remodeling, improvement and repair company in Northeastern Pennsylvania. We serve home, farm, church, and business owners in Monroe and portions of the surrounding counties. Our focus is quality craftsmanship. Integrity is our guiding principle. To satisfy every customer is our goal. Please view/read the "Project Photos", "When Quality Counts", and "Services" pages to learn more about how Kallatch Home Services LLC can help you. PAHIC 10048
Cost vs Value
According to a recent article, seven out of the top ten value-yielding projects involve the exterior of the home. The number one "mid-range" project that yields the greatest return in increase of dollar value to the home for each dollar spent is replacing a steel entry door. In many areas, the study indicated that the rate of return was greater than 100%. That means the value of the house increased more than the replacement project cost. Not all projects are that way, but other values such as aesthetics, safety, and less maintenance must also be included in the final equation. The number two project for "mid-range rate of return.... an attic bedroom remodel.