Here are a few of the home (and business) perennial maintenance items that should be considered in December if you have not already done so:
Deck and lawn furniture and decorations stored
De-icing cables inspected and ready to plug in
Drain lawn sprinkler systems
Emergency Generator serviced and ready to run
Energy savings devices such as programmable thermostats and lighting timers installed
Exterior doors and garage door seals fit tight, replace as needed
Exterior door locks lubricated with anti-freeze lubricant
Exterior hose bibs drained and hoses drained and stored
Exterior lighting in good working order
Flashlights with fresh batteries / charged
Fire / Smoke alarms tested, batteries checked / replaced
Gutters and downspouts clear of debri, attached well
Heater / Boiler Serviced by reputable technician
Ice Melt / Anti-slip compounds and snow shovels available and accessible
Insulation barrier over skuttle holes and pull-down stairs
Snowblower serviced and ready to run
Storm doors and windows in place