Kallatch Home Services is a custom construction, remodeling, improvement and repair company in Northeastern Pennsylvania. We serve home, farm, church, and business owners in Monroe and portions of the surrounding counties. Our focus is quality craftsmanship. Integrity is our guiding principle. To satisfy every customer is our goal. Please view/read the "Project Photos", "When Quality Counts", and "Services" pages to learn more about how Kallatch Home Services LLC can help you. PAHIC 10048
Happy Thanksgiving!
May we remember with thanks and gratitude, the many blessings we each have in our lives, and may we remember how and who they have come from. Let us remember that living in a great and blessed country... the ability to receive an education... the ability to work hard, invest, and get ahead... the families, friendships and relationships we have that help us along in our journey... and those who have served to protect our freedoms.... all come from the goodness of our Father in Heaven. May we live thankfully.